I am a big fan of all kinds of nature books and they are of great inspiration to me.
I thought it would be nice to share a selection (no spon).

Author: Andy Seed
Language: Dutch
A book about all kind of animal tracks (poop, footprints, feathers, pellets, etc.) with beautiful illustrations and really interesting facts for both kids and grownups. My muppies and I really enjoyed it.

Author: L. Bontje & Y. Noordermeer
Language: Dutch
A super nice looking book with mainly recipes of common wild plants. I use it to put my foraging knowledge into practice. A lot of these plants are on my Edible wild plants No.1 poster by the way.

Wonderlijcke Veranderinghen
Author: Johan Haringsma
Language: Dutch
With beautiful drawings by Johannes Goedaert and a lot of super crisp macro photos too. Goedaert was at the origin of entomology and his research and drawings were of great value to his field.

Botanical Illustration Course
Author: Rosie Martin & Meriel Thurstan
Language: English
Perfect book for beginners with clear explanation and exercizes. From basics to really detailed and realistic drawing.

Illustrator: Steffie Padmos
Language: Dutch
With beautiful illustrations and a cool topic: builders.

De grote natuurgids
Author: Jan Toman
Language: Dutch

Eieren en hun vogels
Author: Johan Haringsma
Language: Dutch

Het grote bomenboek
Illustrator: Piotr Socha
Language: Dutch

Mijn grote natuurboek
Author: Marit Claride
Illustrator: John Shackell
Language: Dutch

De schoolplaat
Illustrator: M.A. Koekkoek
Language: Dutch